feedback & comments page
30 mar 04 | Congratz for your superb pics in
red sea. Really cool and clear .. water, very impressive scubakite at
its best. I'm actually preparing the web-site for the ADACAS. I just want to ask you if it's ok to use some pics from you. Of course, it's on a gallery dedicated to scubakite and many links redirect to yours. I used 3 pics for each workshop. For the moment it's only in french, soon in english, someday in others... .. and check the link Galerie to see the pics in place. |
François de Domahidy, Nice France ADACAS |
24 mar 2004 | Fantastic photography
as usual! OUCH! I am slowly learning how to send digital pics. and will
also learn how to forward them to your gallery. Continue always with your
beautiful spirit... |
Priscilla Troy, artist, san francisco .usa |
23 mar 04 | Absolutely. Many of us have some
negative feelings for the ramifications of the word "art," but
it's still, in my opinion a generally useful "catchall" for
things still reasonably purely related to an expression of a special region of the heart and spirit of human animals. I could (and perhaps should) go on a bit here, but for the moment, all I want to convey is my appreciation for your connection, and the personal qualities you, yourself represent, paying attention to this "art spirit." |
tal streeter, sculptor, prof of art, nyc, .usa |
20 mar 04 | [zitat] "Tauchen macht doof? Wir wissen zwar nicht, wie viele doofmachende Tauchgänge die Initatoren dieser Webseiten schon hinter sich haben, aber wir sehen die Folgen! Abgesehen vom grauenvollen Layout handelt es sich entweder um Künstler oder um Spinner (eventuell auch um beides), die an ein buntes Tuch ein paar Strippen binden und damit im Riff herumschweben." | aus privater webpage von Joachim W, deutscher Taucher aus Kiel .de (siehe auch NG |
[unsharp translation of above] stupid by diving? ...the makers of THIS WEBPAGE must be either ARTISTS OR FREAKS (or probably both) ... as they attach a colored cloth to some lines, for to hover in a reef... | ||
20 mar 04 | neeneenee, du sorgst
ja richtig für aufruhr im hause. und nur wegen der paar blaustichigen bilder:-) aber die ng ist eine interessante art taucher kennenzulernen - komisches völkchen - respekt - ich sach nur: moonshift rulez! |
heiko m, w'tal .de |
20 mar 2004 | [zitat] "Schreibt doch ein gewisser „tomm“ in der Taucher-Newsgroup etwas unter dem harmlosen Titel „frische bilder aus DAHAB egypt“. Man denkt, da hat jemand die ultimativ schönsten Fotos geschossen und will die im deutschen Nieselregen sitzende Fangemeinde beglücken, aber weit gefehlt! Die gehen mit bunten Tüchern und Strippen dran tauchen und nennen das ganze dann (natürlich englisch, sonst ist man ja nicht "in") kite diving. .... | aus privater webpage von Joachim W, deutscher Taucher aus Kiel .de |
19 mar 2004 | wonderful! I have to figure out
how to get in on this for projection! Best, Robert Schaller |
robert schaller, filmmaker, .usa. |
12 mar 2004 | I'm sure you all enjoy the red sea
and the desert. Though, it seems weather conditions didn't allowed you to perform kitedives. GOSH, we all expect to see new great pics soon ! [Insh'allah], it will be ok. This sunday, it will be the first underwater exposition of sculptures in a swimming-pool for the ADACUA. I'll send you pics asap. Good luck, good dive, good goodies ! |
François de Domahidy, Nice France |
08 mar 2004 | Time to go... time to go... Take
care of you all in this wonderful land. Do your job as usual for peace, art and fun (this place and her neighbours need so much harmony) I will look for further informations about and support you of course in this new adventure ! Scubakite, art and friendship uber alles ! Have fun ! Lots of love. .Stof. |
christophe cheret France - Droit de Vent / Zoone^ |
28 jan 04 | Yow, absolutely gorgeous stuff.
Please be sure to send this to Jacki. I'm sure she will enjoy seeing it. |
tal streeter, usa |
28 jan 04 | How red is the red sea? I cannot participate on this tour because we are in France that moment. |
Rx, Nederland |
13 jan 04 | I wish everyone a good time there
and a tremendously excellent scubakite fly and pictures. I hope I'll be
on for the party next time. For the news, I'm proud to announce you the
creation of the ADACAS ( Association de Développement des Activités
Culturelles & Artistiques Subaquatiques), a non-profit organization
created for developping and organising Artistic & Cultural Underwater
Activities ( so ADACUA in english,...Add Aqua ?!? ). I'll send a global
information bulletin to let everyone know more about it. That's why I'm
pretty sure there'll be more opportunities. |
François de Domahidy, Nice France |
09 jan 04 | I real like the pics. .. Here in
Sweden its ok, I work in the day and dream in the nights on Kites in the
desert , in the dream I hear the voice of one crying in the wilderness
(biblical quotation). If you want me to come, I will come and fly some Egypt newspaper kites in the desert and over the red-sea. |
martin skoog, photographer, sweden |
18 sep 2003 | What a great idea. Kiting underwater.
Wow! I live in one of the best scuba places in the world. Will share your photos with everyone out here. Thanks! |
Brett Schneider Kwajalein Range Services United States Army Kwajalein Atoll Republic of the Marshall Islands |
01 sep 03 | ...super! Hab grademal auf Deiner
Seite noch so rumgeguckt - diese "Underwaterdrachen" sind ja wohl der Hammer.... |
mallo w, malerin, .de |
05 jun 03 | Yo Yo, Nice new piccies from Lipeh. Glad to hear kitediving is picking up; I'd be grateful for any diving at all. ..Maybe send us a kite or two to play with; I rather regret giving you those 2 back now ! Speak more soon, Nick. |
nick, chaloklum diving, phangan, thailand |
22 mar 03 | Fantastic photos you have... We are at the moment enjoying Australia's autumm in Kiama, New South Wales heading down to Melbourne | Virpi & Mario, Finland |
13 jan 03 | Danke fuer die Fotos, finde ich
super... Der scubakite Einsatz war interessant, viele Freunde gemacht... |
christian francis, beirut libanon-divers |
12 nov 02 | Thank you for the link to your water-rooms. I am very pleased to see the work, it looks great. | Uriel Levi Environmental Art & Design CVA, .usa |
21 oct 02 |
Vraiment étrange ces poissons, c'est rare ? non ? @+ | Olivier [mcog] .france |
25 sept 02 | ..das mit den Drachen ist wie mit
dem Tauchen, finde mal einen guten Taucher, der auch noch für die
schönen Farben und das Schweben der Fische brennt und auch mal einen
kleinen Flecken längere Zeit beobachten kann bis die kleinen Viecher aus den vielen Ecken und Winkeln wieder herauskommen .... ;-)), Solotauchgänge dauern eine Ewigkeit, man schaut auf Uhr und Fini und will nicht glauben dass man schon sooooviiiielllll gesehen hat und erst 20 bar und 10min unterwegs ist, ;-))))))))))) !!!!! |
andreas h, hamburg .de |
23 sep 02 | Ihr habt
wohl den totalen Knall ?? ;-)))))))) Aber die Drachen und die Photoaufmachung haben richtig was, da steckt mehr dahinter als nur mal so einen Drachen zusammenzustecken und abzutauchen, die Photos sind wirklich spitze geworden, besitzen richtig Flair, da war ein Profi mit Herz am Werk !! So richtig Niveau findet man unter den Drachenfredys sehr selten, die meisten bleiben in der Diskussion über Segelmachernaht/Kappnaht hängen oder klappen irgendwelche Deltas durch die Trickkiste, so richtig inszenieren können nur ganz wenige, nur wenige Shows oder Eigenbauten gehen wirklich unter die Haut. Vielleicht kann man die Deko-Götter ja mit Drachen ablenken, ;-)) !! |
andreas h, dive-instructor, hamburg .de |
22 aug 02 | It's a great pleasure to discover more and more pictures from Beyrouth's performance. I must tell you that I'm proud of my little participation to the event. Actually I'm in Budapest and one hour ago was still enjoying the pleasure of one of the beautifullest thermal place in the world. Of course, I was thinking about organizing some events over there ! It's THE place made for it, enjoying warm waters and bubbles (not Champaign ;-) !!! | François de Domahidy, Nice France |
05 aug 02 | Congratulations, very
nice pictures. Please feel free to send me some for a gallery on |
christian dill, odyssee .ch |
24 jul 02 | I think it is totally kool. I am eager to get into the water - with two hands working - and join the underwater kite flying kraze! Keep up the good work. | Everett briggs, nyc, usa |
24 jul 02 | thanks a lot for the
new pictures. Beautiful!!! We shall present something again within the next 2 or 4 weeks! |
Herbert Alkofer Manager Marketing PADI Europe AG .ch |
20 jul 02 | wieder sehr grosse fotos, aber sieht sehr gut aus! | thijo, duiker uit .nl |
17 jul 02 | FANTASTIQUE! Wonderful pictures
but I'm sure the experience was much, much more. You should be tired! Now go and empty out the jelly fishes from your pockets. |
george p, artist .usa |
16 jul 02 | Really I made an impression by the beauty of pictures that you have obtained in the water. Would like to give you my sincere congratulation by the great work ... | domingio l, .espana |
22 may 02 | about your "under_0" fligth
(underwater-kite exhibitions), may be you can cut mineral water as tube
or as tile in order to obtain transparent "circoflex" or sled
...... An other idea is to make a ????garden underwater, for example : use plastic bottle fixed to a line with a stone at the other extremity, then put a tiny bit of air in the bottle ... |
didier ferment, france |
18 may 02 | ..Underwaterkiting - Jakie Matisse
did some experiment in the 70-80 some good pictures she work with Robert
Cassoly the photograph and and she did some performance-installation with
Molly Davis camera and David Tudor composer for the music title: "9 Lines Reflected and Sea Tails Sound Totem" this was presented in 1989 at the Whitney Museum of American Art. Have a good day. Robert |
robert trepanier, canada |
14 apr 02 | Le Cerf-Nageant.
Vous êtes apprenti cerf-voliste et vous accumulez une certaine frustation de voir inexorablement retomber votre appareil? Le cerf-volant aquatique est fait pour vous ! Evidemment, à Berck, la température de l'eau peut paraître fraîche. Mais Tomas a néanmois fait le déplacement d'Allemagne et présente photos et videos de ce nouvel art. |
Le Quotidien d.R.I. Berck-sur-Mer .France |
09 apr 02 | ...You are even more crazy than I thought.... | stephen versteegh, nederland |
08 apr 02 | ...glaub i werd langsam blind: berufskrankheit:
sieht alles so verschwommen aus! was sollen die bunten plastiktüten zwischen den netten fischen: umweltsauerei! könnte mir vorstellen an so abwasserkanälen mit warmer strömung käm ein geiles gefühl auf: ansonsten versteh i noch nett so viel was das soll! |
dirk k, duesseldorf .de |
03 apr 02 | ich denke wir haben allesamt ne
macke - der eine springt aus nem flugzeug der andere geht mit nem drachen unter die wasseroberfläche.. naja, hatten wir wohl alle ne harte kindheit, was ;)))))) nice greetings from cologne. |
ralf k (koeln) .de |
26 mar 02 | Sawadee Khrap, scheint sich ja gelohnt zu haben, die Schnuere um die Fuesse zu wickeln. Ich werde mir gleich mal die pictures reinziehen. |
joerg h, thailand |
24 mar 02 | Yo Man, Looks cool; I like the style, & some of the images are really evocative. The English is understandable but could be tidied up; I will get on to it & get back to you, with some fish names too.Greetings from the team, It started raining this morning - Monster YO! Bis spayter, Nick. |
nick, chaloklum diving, phangan, thailand |
23 mar 02 | sehr schöne site wuunderbaaaaaaaar kisa. |
kisa .de |
If you meet two Senties under the
see, hug them for me. They escaped and dived when we were in Corsica.
Kites travel a lot on this planet. Have fun! And send pictures, please. |
ramlal tien, france |